
NEW stainless straddle stacker

Handling of closed pallets in hygienic environments – no problem!


The flexible Logitrans stacker range now also lists a stainless straddle stacker. This means that also closed pallets can be handled in environments with severe hygienic requirements. Hygienic, practical, corrosion resistant, flexible - these are just some of the features of the stainless stackers from Logitrans.

“We have had a stainless stacker in our product range for a long time. It is corrosion resistant and is especially designed for areas where the hygiene on the surface is essential, as it is in direct contact with the load. With our new stainless straddle stacker also closed pallets, which are often used in the food industry, can be handled without problems!.

We know that the awareness of ergonomics at the workplace is increasing – and we are therefore pleased that we can now offer our stainless straddle stacker to companies working in environments where hygiene is essential.”

Gitte Kirkegaard, CEO at Logitrans A/S

Optimum cleanability and resistance are guaranteed by the acid-resistant and electric polished fork chassis (AISI 316L). The design of the stacker, e.g. the closed forks, facilitates cleaning and minimises the risk of bacterial attacks.