Why Logitrans?

A choice to lift performance

It is not about delivering a product - it is about finding the best solution!

At Logitrans we develop, produce and distribute top-quality equipment, constructed to solve material handling issues safely, efficiently and ergonomically.

We always take point of departure in the specific customer’s needs and requests, and we never compromise on quality or safety. That is what makes our products and solutions so unique.

- Take a look at our customised solutions to fully see the level of flexibility and capacity

We are based in a small town in Denmark, but we distribute worldwide, and Logitrans is one of the leading manufacturers of material handling equipment. We have production facilities in Denmark and China, as well as a sales office in the US. And then we have a strong and wide network of dealers in 55 countries.

Our products and solutions are constructed to help customers handle their material in a safe, efficient and ergonomically correct way. This is what we promise:

Safety and ergonomics
Our promise on safety is the most important, because nothing matters more than the safety of your employees. That is why we never compromise on safety.

Products from Logitrans always meet official requirements for material handling, and our product development team always carefully consider all aspects of safety - short term and long term - in their design phase.

Ergonomically correct workflows and working positions are extremely important in terms of employee health, injuries such as musculoskeletal disorders, sick days, and also in terms of efficiency and productivity. To support our customers business objectives and to ensure their employees a safe and healthy workday, all our products are constructed to solve material handling challenges in an efficient and safe way, by ensuring correct working positions and heights for the users.

You can read more and get your guide on workplace ergonomics by clicking here!

Quality and sustainability
At Logitrans quality goes beyond delivering the best products. We add quality to everything from initial customer dialogue, to finding the best solution, delivering high quality products and offering a high quality after sales service. All this together is what we consider good quality.

Due to the materials we use, as well as the engineering solutions, our products are built to last. We often get requests for spare parts for products that are more than 15 or 20 years old. And that makes us proud. It also builds a good business case, as it creates an excellent return on investment for you.

We are aware of our footprint on the environment, and 99% of the materials we use for our equipment can be reused at correct disposal. This is why we offer our customers and partners to take back products or parts to ensure environmentally correct disposal. This is a path we will continue to tread and explore, as we not only see it as an obligation to society, but also as a great opportunity to keep improving the quality of our work and brand.

Knowledge, know-how and innovation
Our corporate history goes all the way back to 1940, when it all began with a courageous and ambitious young smith - the grandfather of our current CEO - and his small smithy. Since then, we have worked hard to continuously grow and develop, and our strong heritage is evident in everything we do.

But we never rest on the laurels. We continue to look for new technologies, new materials and new ways of reaching our valued customers with high-end products that make their lives easier and better.

At Logitrans we develop and expand with point of departure in customer needs and requests. All our customized solutions are, naturally, developed in close cooperation with customers and not from a theoretical point of view. We learn from practice and construct to solve actual and real-life issues.

Due to our production set-up, we can quickly and efficiently respond and adjust to specific customer needs, which optimizes our time to market and enables us to help solve urgent and important challenges. This flexibility is highly valued by our partners and customers.

We work closely with HSEQ personal at various customers to always ensure the best solutions in the bigger picture. We also meet extra safety requirements for special customer needs when that is necessary.

Customised solutions and flexibility
The ability to efficiently meet specific customer requests is an essential part of our value proposition. We know that to find the best solution for you, we must take point of departure in exactly your situation and your processes. In some cases, a standard solution is just perfect, while other cases require certain adjustments or new constructions.

This essentially paves the way for engaging with unique customers and for entering niche industries, which is always interesting. But no matter industry, business or context our finest job is to find the best solution for you to help optimize and improve your performance.

Flexibility is important in a busy life with constant changes and varying needs and circumstances. Quick fixes are popular, but preferably without compromising on quality, safety or efficiency. We understand the need for flexibility, and with our Logiflex product line, you get exactly that. With Logiflex you get a standard stacker, with several add-ons with different purposes. This way, you can get one product with multiple functions instead of having to buy two or more close to similar products.

We also offer you a flexible and comprehensive after sales service, to give you the best experience with our products. This is an important part of a successful solution.

We take pride in following our products all the way to their new home and ensuring a good start.

Stainless steel and hygienic environments
A unique element of business we have specialised in is stainless steel. Actually, we produce the best stainless steel handling equipment in the world.

Stainless steel products are especially relevant in high hygienic environments, which have zero tolerance for bacteria or containment. This sets high requirements for the products, which we take very seriously.

The way we do this is by constructing the products from the bottom to fit the special requirements in hygienic environments. This means that instead of converting a standard product into stainless steel, we have respect for the functional differences and consider these in the initial construction. Hygienic environments require equipment that is easy to clean - fx straight lines with no elements breaking the surface, closed joints and limited hidden areas for bacteria to settle.

In addition, we use the best quality of stainless steel material available. Our stainless steel products are upgraded to AISI 316L acid resistant material, which is used for the most exposed areas of the equipment, fx the forks.

If you want to know more about our stainless steel product line, jump to this page!

Workplace ergonomics
The road to success is through your employees. Take good care of them!

Why care about workplace ergonomics?
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